Julie Byrd Ashworth, Attorney At Law
(901) 373-6111
Julie is a lifelong Tennessee resident. She was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. She lived in Munford, Tennessee for 24 years raising her children, and currently resides in Collierville. Julie is in her 35th year of service as a trial attorney in the Juvenile, Circuit, and Chancery Courts in Tennessee and Mississippi. She has previously practiced in the United States Bankruptcy Courts for Tennessee and Mississippi. She has successfully defended and argued appellate matters in the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court of Tennessee. Julie was licensed to practice law in Tennessee in 1989, in Mississippi in 1990.
At present, Julie practices law in Tennessee in Shelby, Tipton and Fayette Counties for all family law, probate, wills & estate, and elder law matters, contested and uncontested; in Mississippi, in DeSoto, Tate and Marshall Counties for family law. Julie offers fixed fee pricing for most routine legal services in the area of family law and hourly fee retainer agreements for contested cases.
Juris Doctorate, The University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law, Memphis, TN 1989
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, The University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 1986
Wooddale High School, Memphis, TN 1982
Also completed 39 hours of additional graduate study at The University of Memphis in the field of mental health counseling (1998-2002).
Mississippi Bar Association
Memphis Bar Association
Tipton County Bar Association
DeSoto County Bar Association
• Married to John W. “Wes” Ashworth, III, Professional Engineer (Civil) and Registered Land Surveyor. Wes is a 1973 graduate of Messick High School (Memphis, TN) and The University of Memphis (B.S. Engineering, 1979).
• Resides in Collierville.
• Mother of three children, stepmother to three more.
Calvary Episcopal Church (2023 to present).
Member of the following parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee from 1992-2022: St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral (Memphis), Ravenscroft Episcopal Church (Brighton), St. Elisabeth's Episcopal Church (Bartlett). Julie has served in the following volunteer roles in parish life: church warden, Sunday school teacher, teenage youth group sponsor, greeter/hospitality committee.
Supporter of University of Tennessee athletics. Football season ticket holder since 1989.
Shelby & Tipton County (TN) Election Commissions (1982-2020) former election officer.
Shelby County (TN) Democratic Party: Executive Committee member. Past positions: treasurer. Former positions: Treasurer of Democratic Women of Shelby County; Chair of Tipton County Democratic Party; Chair of Eighth Congressional District for the Tennessee Democratic County Chairs Association.
Activist supporting freedom and rights for members of the LGBTQ+ community. Active in progressive causes throughout West Tennessee.