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Children deserve the love, time and support of both parents. Children should never be used as pawns in a game of chess. While there are times where a danger or special need must be addressed for the protection of a child, children must be afforded the opportunity to have meaningful relationships with both parents. These are the linchpins of our society. Whether or not parents were ever married to each other, there are issues with the separation of parents which must be addressed. Our goal is to assist our clients to find the right solution for them and their children.

As a divorced and remarried parent with three natural children and five step-children, Julie is personally acquainted with many of the issues that confront parents in original and blended families. Families including members of the LGBTQ+ community deserve the same respect and dignity afforded to everyone. 


More than 50% of our firm's clients have uncontested court cases from beginning to end. For those who need more specialized litigation in the family law area, Julie has practiced extensively in the courts in Tennessee and Mississippi.


Each client has unique needs. Family units are diverse. Our approach is to: first, listen; second,  assist in the healing process; third, if court involvement is necessary, guide each client in navigating the legal process. From simple to complex, and everything in between, our team is here to assist each client in obtaining the maximum settlement possible with the least amount of time and money spent.


Wills and Probate Matters

Confronting one’s own death or disability is frightening, and best done when our mind is clear, and when one is still competent to make those decisions. We listen to each client's concerns, identify ways to make declarations for end-of-life issues, and help our clients write clear instructions for loved ones.

We offer in-home and in-hospital visits, as allowed and on request, for will preparation and execution, power of attorney, or 'living wills'. 

How do you avoid probate? This is one of the most frequent questions asked. We help our clients walk through the process to take the mystery out of probate, or help you avoid it altogether.

If you have a loved one unable to care for himself or manage her finances who is in need of appointment of a court-ordered legal representative, we also handle this service, as well.


Collaborative Divorce Professional

Member of Memphis Collaborative Divorce Alliance


Mediation Services - Mississippi and Tennessee

Tennessee Supreme Court

Rule 31 Listed Mediator

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